BANANA FISH (Anime) Banana Fish (バナナフィッシュ) is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Akimi YoshidaIt is produced by Fuji TV The first season began airing July 6 th, 18, and the second season airing October 11th, 18The adaption revises the setting of the series from the 1980s to the present day, adding modern references such as smartphones, and Banana Fish 10 (bg) Яко е!Season 1 Error please try again In New York, Ash Lynx a boy with an perfect appearance and outstanding fighting power has been leading a street gang at the age of 17 One night, Ash is told the word "Banana Fish" from a man shot by his own subordinate The word was that Griffin, his brother who was pretty crippled, often mentioned
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